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IT Talks let you in on how it is to work with us, how customers have solved IT challenges, new industry trends by our partners and much more.

Every now and then we sit down for a chat and most often the conversations circles IT. Independent of the group, could be colleagues and/or partners, customers or friends – IT is on the table almost every time.

We have offices in Denmark, Norway and Sweden – and we have recorded IT talks at all of our locations and the chats are held in local language.


Aug 26, 2022

Jennifer Mansur has changed her title at Redpill Linpro since last time she joined IT Talks. Today she is Talent Acquisition Lead – and career development is the topic of this episode. Redpill Linpro is a growing company, with more business units and of course with more people.

Jennifer and Tomas discuss why you start...

Aug 19, 2022

What does Talent Acquisition mean? And why is it crucial in an IT company like Redpill Linpro? And most important, how do you make sure the people in your business stay when there is a high demand for their competence?

Dan Dahlensjö, Team Lead and Head of Recruitment together with Thea-Louise Langevei will answer...

Aug 12, 2022

Marcus Johansson is one of Redpill Linpros software development consultants, he spends his time helping customers solve technical problems. Even though he has never been interested in technologies he really like his job. The driver is knowledge, the will to continuously learn more. Listen to why he chose to work at...