Oct 28, 2022
Rocket.Chat is a fully featured communication platform with chat, video, and file sharing etc. Co-founder and CEO of Rocket.Chat, Gabriel Engel, is here to talk about the driving force behind the creation of the company.
Oct 21, 2022
Nextcloud offers modern and easy to use content collaboration platform – their mission is to enable companies and organisations to run their own secure content collaboration platform. What is the story behind the company and where is it today? We are happy to have Maxime Le Héricy and Markus Windecker here to...
Oct 14, 2022
Founder and CEO of Mattermost, Ian Tien is this week's guest. Ian tells us the story behind the successful Open Source online collaboration tool which originally was a video game company. When did it all start and what is Mattermost today?
Oct 7, 2022
The Online Whiteboard, Collabord, help clients all over the world with online workshops, hybrid meetings and being creative when meeting digitally. Michael Görög, Head of Business Development in Collaboard talks about how they have developed the company and helping clients in the sector among others; defence,...