Sep 24, 2021
Benneth Christansson, experienced integration specialist, talks about strategy and implementation of integration platforms, demands from the digitalisation, how data is our new digital asset, and how we can use that asset ahead. He also asks what will happen when IT becomes the business and the business becomes IT? Why...
Sep 17, 2021
Listen to when Bjørn Ruberg and Michael Nemecky are discussing Open Source and security, comparing open and closed source, and sharing how Redpill Linpro is working with security. Their top three tips for IT security is: keep your systems updated, be a bit critical, and keep security in mind on all levels and in the...
Sep 10, 2021
Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana is what makes up ELK in ELK-stack. Listen to Morten Vestergaard and Asger Mikkelsen when they deep dive in the technology that makes it possible to handle large data sets gathered from multiple servers, security issues and why it is great to take the tool into consideration already...
Sep 3, 2021
Based on the answers from our customers (in the yearly customer satisfaction survey) Fredrik Svensson shares what factors they value the most when choosing an IT vendor. And also what kind of challenges they are facing in 2020. One take away is that digital innovation and transformation requires both technical...