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IT Talks let you in on how it is to work with us, how customers have solved IT challenges, new industry trends by our partners and much more.

Every now and then we sit down for a chat and most often the conversations circles IT. Independent of the group, could be colleagues and/or partners, customers or friends – IT is on the table almost every time.

We have offices in Denmark, Norway and Sweden – and we have recorded IT talks at all of our locations and the chats are held in local language.


Jun 18, 2021

Do you miss your colleagues, the sound of everyday at the office or the inspiration others bring? Then our new channel IT Sounds might be the thing for you. Listen to Susannah Eriksson, CMO of Redpill Linpro, explaining what IT Sounds is, what it has got to do with Open Source and also how you can engage and contribute...

Jun 11, 2021

Listen to an episode with Henrik Gavelli, CEO of Redpill Linpro, where he talks about why Open Source has been a strong driver for the digitalisation that we see today, why Open Source seems to be more in focus than ever, and how Open Source is an enabler for innovation speed, co-operation, and open standards. This is...

Jun 4, 2021

With loads of experience and know-how Simen Graff Jenssen at Amedia and Pip Oomen at Redpill Linpro takes us through SLI, SLO, SLA, SRE, Infrastructure as Code, and more. We get to look a bit under de hood of the Amedia set up, learn their successes, why a blame-less culture is important, and also how down-time can be...