May 29, 2020
Highly experienced in IT Operations Jimmy Olsen and Are Tysland shares their thoughts on databases, in particular Maria DB. They talk about availability, up time multi sites and trust. They let you know what the worst case scenario might be, but also what they are impressed with.
May 22, 2020
Listen to when Bjørn Ruberg and Michael Nemecky is discussing Open Source and security, comparing open and closed source, and sharing how Redpill Linpro is working with security. Their top three tips for IT security is: keep your systems updated, be a bit critical, and keep security in mind on all levels and in the...
May 15, 2020
Marjan Trajkovski shares his thoughts on how to be successful with IT sales, why it is important to stay close to your customers, the differences between new and established customers. He also talks about continuous improvement and the importance of being structured.
May 8, 2020
Automation and open networking, a journey in time, challenges and possibilities with our expert on the subject, Tore Anderson. A comprehensive talk about the development of automation of servers and networks. Where servers today are highly automated with lots of administration tools like Puppet, Chef, Ansible, Salt, and...