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IT Talks let you in on how it is to work with us, how customers have solved IT challenges, new industry trends by our partners and much more.

Every now and then we sit down for a chat and most often the conversations circles IT. Independent of the group, could be colleagues and/or partners, customers or friends – IT is on the table almost every time.

We have offices in Denmark, Norway and Sweden – and we have recorded IT talks at all of our locations and the chats are held in local language.


Jun 14, 2024

Cyberattacks are an increasingly talked-about risk in today's society. They have happened on numerous occasions and will, in all likelihood, happen again. In this trilogy of IT Talks, you will hear about the importance of information security with Peter Franklin, CEO of Redpill Linpro Cyber Security, and Patrik Bauer, Data Protection Officer (DPO) at AMF Tjänstepension. They discuss information security in depth on both a detailed level and a broader perspective to understand the importance of protecting your data and being prepared if/when a cyberattack occurs.

In this first episode of the trilogy, they talk about the CIA triad: Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability – fundamental aspects of working with information security. They discuss the distribution of responsibilities and how to work effectively with these questions. They emphasize the importance of understanding the risks, having a continuous plan to maintain information security, and educating yourself and your colleagues in secure information management.